
10 Difficulties of Co-Parenting After Divorce & 10 Ways It Serves Your Children

10 Difficulties of Co-Parenting After Divorce & 10 Ways It Serves Your Children

Everyone experiences a difficult time during a divorce, and the problems don't disappear when the case ends. Many parents find that co-parenting after a divorce is a new challenge that is hard to handle on an emotional, practical, and social level. But if done right, it can be an excellent way for parents and children to grow.

20 Development Milestones Nobody Warns You About

20 Development Milestones Nobody Warns You About

These 20 development benchmarks are often unexpected but will help you better understand your child's developmental stages.

20 Signs Your Child Is Ahead of Their Age (That Aren't Academic)

20 Signs Your Child Is Ahead of Their Age (That Aren't Academic)

Seeing your child grow beyond their age may be excellent for a parent. These are twenty indicators that your child might be maturing outside their years in spheres unrelated to academics.

20 Signs Your Child Needs a Different Teaching Approach

20 Signs Your Child Needs a Different Teaching Approach

As parents, we want our kids to do well in school, but there are times when it's clear that the way they learn now might not be working well for them. If your child is having problems that aren't being dealt with, it might be time to try a different teaching method.